Masculinities Mondays: 8th of June 2015

On June 16th, MenCare, in collaboration with the Clinton Foundation and HeforShe, will launch the very first State of the World’s Fathers report. The report is intended to provide a periodic, data-driven snapshot of the state of men’s contributions to parenting and caregiving globally by addressing four issues related to fatherhood: unpaid care work in the home; sexual and reproductive health and rights, and maternal, newborn and child health; men’s caregiving and violence against children and women; and child development.  As the MenCare Campaign explains, the report aims to provide the basis for concentrated social, political, and healthcare initiatives; broad institutional change; and public awareness to bring about a transformation toward equitable, involved fatherhood. It defines a global agenda for involving men and boys as part of the solution to achieve gender equality and positive outcomes in the lives of women, children, and men themselves. Speakers will include Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Foundation), Gary Barker (Promundo), and Dean Peacock (Sonke Gender Justice).

For those of who will be in New York, you can register for the event for free here. And, for the rest of us, we can follow the event live here.

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